Our mission

In the spirit of its founder’s ethos, the mission of the Ida C. and Morris Falk Foundation is to support innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership that drives positive, equitable, and sustained impact for the world’s communities and ecosystems.

Our vision for the future

To support scalable and sustainable solutions through a collaborative, collective impact approach, in order to undertake “a lot with a little” whilst upholding our core values.

Our values



We identify new and efficient approaches in response to world problems in a way that maximizes impact. Evoking entrepreneurship, we look to find new and independent thought from sector leaders to form and deliver context based, fresh ideas.



It is important to us to remain fully transparent about the issues we are solving, along with the process we undertake to address them; including decision making, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Transparency ensures appropriate feedback loops and learning to prevent mistakes and enhance programming.



We value strong, flexible and kindness-based leadership within our own organization and from our grantees. We work to balance strategic thinking, ethical & creative management culture with tangible on the ground results.

Learning & Data Based Decision Making

Learning & Data Based Decision Making

We actively seek and track data and conduct systematic evaluations to monitor progress, test strategic hypotheses and course correct as relevant.

Collaboration & Partnership

Collaboration & Partnership

We value engaging with a diverse set of partners, in order to advance and inform our work. We learn from and share strategies and perspectives, inviting input that allows opportunities for collaboration and the identification of new ideas. There is no way to influence systems-level change without proactive collaboration.

Systems Level Change

Systems Level Change

We ensure that the Board and Management work in close concert to develop detailed program strategies and theories of change that strive for long-term, sustainable improvements on system-wide problems. We hold ourselves accountable to the goals that are at the heart of these strategies.

Help us help you!

You are not alone and can make a difference now through a collective impact match. The Foundation is currently focused on supporting causes that can change the world. Help us support yours.